Friday, May 31, 2013


If  it  were  not  for  human  beings -- there'd  be  no  books  and  no  sciences.
No electricity, no walking on the moon - no Exploration of Planets in Space.
No veterinary surgery to relieve pain and suffering, ease the life of animals.
And so much more - so very much more - it is hard to imagine planet Earth
without human kindness, compassion, feeling for others. 
That is the sunny side of humanity.

The dark side however, also exists.
Man's inhumanity to man is no secret and neither is cruelty to anumals within
laboratory experiments. Animals are still being abused in the name of science.
In her Introduction to the book, NEXT OF KIN, by Roger Fouts (1997)
Jane Goodall recounts:

' For more than a decade I have been begging Roger Fouts to get this
book written. It is the story of a scientific experiment that has helped
us to better understand our own place in relation to the rest of the
animal kingdom and, at the same time, reveals a dark and ugly aspect
of the scientific method.' 

Self interest, arrogance, notions of racial superiority, are part of that history
and they come from inorance, misguided faith in coercion, misplaced stress
on competition among individuals.
Scientists don't need information on how to make animals sick, in order to
to find cures for human diseases and harmful habits.

Scientists need reliable knowledge about normalcy.
Functional behavior analysis with healthy, fully aware, and mobile, animals.
Psychosomatic medicine where physiological effects are taken seriously as
caused by what persons see and hear, around them. Words are intangible,
yet they most certainly affect humans for the better.
In point of fact other creatures are also controlled by conditioned sounds.
Today is the time for environmentalists to unite for a more humane world!

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Knock, knock! Who’s there?
Hugh who?
Human thinkers coming together for civil rights.

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Annie who?
Animals, we want more space and free choices.

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Anna who?
Analysis, open up boxes and switch on the lights.

Words are miraculous! 
Words give us wings to fly over hills and green valleys,
above continents ... silently ... over the trees ... 
whispering over the rainbow and the masses of clouds
just happy memories and wonderful dreams ...

Good heavens!
All that without moving an inch away from my chair.